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Writers Might

Writers Might is a blog for writers of original fiction in all forms.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Short Plays at The King's Head

After a trial run of the short play The Golden Hour at The Poetry Café in Covent Garden last autumn, Rachel Lerman from the King’s Head Theatre in Islington invited us to present it as part of their ‘Without Décor’ season which is designed to help in the development of new writing.  With this in mind, we are also adding two new short plays for feedback called Landmarks and The Summer of Love and giving the three pieces an umbrella title of Short Plays From The Coast. Our aim is that with the help of feedback each week we are able to form the pieces into a cohesive unit with loosely related themes.  It would be great to see you on one or all of the Saturdays and to hear what you think, or just come along for the show and a pint. The event takes place on three consecutive Saturdays in Sept. (See link and further info here)